Sunday, January 11, 2009

A quick word about Brussels Sprouts

Try them, they're good. They get a bad wrap, but they're really quite tasty as long as you don't overcook them. I had to try some since they were sold at the farmers' market this fall on the long (about 2-3 feet) stalks that they grow on and they just looked so intriguing. I was able to find someone selling stalks that were only about a foot long, so I bought one, roasted up the sprouts, and loved them. Here's another easy way to do them.

Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Reduction

Brussels sprouts
~1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tsp brown sugar

Cut the sprouts off if they're on the stalk and discard any leaves that fall off and rinse the sprouts. If the sprouts are small (less than about an inch) leave them whole, otherwise cut them in half through their stems. Heat a pan over medium heat and add the sprouts. Add about 1/4 of an inch of water to the pan and cook. After about 15 or 20 minutes, try one. They should still be bright green with a little of a crunch in the middle, not at all mushy. Set the sprouts aside, lower heat to low and add vinegar and sugar to the pan. Stir until vinegar is reduced to about half or a third in volume, add sprouts back to the pan and stir until they're coated in the vinegar.

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